Partners Global Network
Here you can find the necessary information about the projects with which the Partners Global Network currently works. If you want to learn more about a specific project, then click on the "learn more" button.
International Partnerships that Change the World.
Partnerships are nothing more than relationships with purpose!
The Bible says we were created for relationships. They do not just happen; we need to nurture them.
PGN Technology Initiative
PGN Laptop Project
Project Laptop exists to provide quality laptops computers to Partner Global Network Partner students studying at Divine Grace University, Chisinau, Moldova, so that they can more effectively engage in the learning process.
All the persian and turkic people groups who call Central Asia home are unreached. Most Central Asians have no knowledge of Biblical Christianity and are unaware that the Gospel is Good News. Help Fill in the Puzzle!
PGN's Kingdom Partners
Kingdom Partners is a special group of committed supporters who have a heart to see God’s Kingdom spread through the ministry of our Next Generation Christian leaders and choose to give a monthly recurring gift to support that mission.