
Mike Smith


Prior to taking his current position with Partners Global Network, Mike was the executive director of Missio International Romania. Mike served for 24 years as Pastor of Missions, and Adult Team Leader, for Highlands Community Church in Renton, WA.  In the 10-year period from 1978 to 1988, he administered the International Training Curriculum for Campus Crusade for Christ, as city director in San Bernardino, CA, and Seattle, WA. He has travelled extensively over the past 35-plus years, living and/or conducting ministry in 24 countries. Mike attended Willamette University, Salem, Oregon, and the International Christian University, School of Theology, San Bernardino, CA.  Mike was ordained as a Minister of the Gospel in 1998. He and wife Barbara have two daughters, and one granddaughter. When not traveling or speaking, Mike enjoys cycling.

Paul Weaver


Paul has worked in the corporate world for 30 years, at a large aerospace company.  Throughout his career, Paul has served in leadership positions in Finance and Procurement. Paul’s passion is to serve in missions and he has participated in several short-term mission trips to Eastern Europe, and served on various committees. Paul and Linda met in college and have been married for over 30 years.  They have two children, one granddaughter and a granddog.


Ludmila Viesse


From Moldova, Ludmila has been involved in ministry through the church her father pastored. After relocating to US, she continued being ginvolved in various minstries at her church. She is a graduate of Northwest University in Kirkland, WA and has been working for a multinational technology corporation for the past 15 years. Ludmila is married and has one son.

Michael Newman


Originally from San Diego, CA, he is married to Elese, and together they have two daughters and two granddaughters.  Michael came to Christ at  the age of 32 and got active in church by helping in homeless ministries and soup kitchens, Vistians Rock ( a community revitalization effort ), and with Operation Hope family shelter.

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Wes Mitchell


Wes transitioned from a larger “small business “ in 2003 to a ministry calling  in Mexico where he and his wife of 49 years, Barb, have been intimately involved—both as directors of the ministry’s Board of Directors, Wes As Board Secretary/Treasurer and Barb as Director.   Additionally, Barb has been heavily involved in teaching women’s Bible studies as well as children’s colonia (neighborhood) ministries while Wes has functioned as Mission Administrator/Executive.  Wes and Barb have two daughters and four grandchildren and while missing them accurately during their long Mexican stays, realize how profoundly blessed they have been to be used in God’s Kingdom.  Both Wes and Barb’s greatest wish is that they continue “Actively” to be “used” by Him.

Jim Kassebaum


Jim participated on a short-term mission while in college reaching out to Turkish immigrants in Germany and has actively support mission efforts since.  He has been happily married to Jennifer over 30 years and has enjoyed ministering together in adult education including co-teaching parenting skills.  They have six children, including two boys adopted from China, and a son-in-law.  Jim has worked in the corporate world over three decades, at a large aerospace company, contributing his engineering talent to multiple new airplane programs and has served in multiple Engineering leadership positions over the past dozen years. Jim is now interested in giving time to support world evangelism and education through partnership with nationals.


Alex Midrigan


Alex and his family are from Moldova where he served in the music ministry since 1996. Alex is a gifted leader with leadership experience serving the Moldovian churches until 2007. In 2007, he and his family moved to the United States became a US citizen then he served at Jesus the Savior Moldovan Baptist Church and Highlands Community Church both in Renton, WA. Alex is currently employed at Lyon Technical Services as Senior Network Administrator as he is very passionate about technology and helps PGN with all IT needs.  He is married to Ariza in 1999 and they have five wonderful kids; Cris, Marc, Camelia, Alexandra, and Sophia. He likes technology, spending time with family, and camping.