Partner 2 Partner

Partnership Program


Level One:
Prayer and Correspondence

Starting a New Relationship

Prayer - Commit to pray for one another on a regular basis throughout the relationship.
Celebration - celebrate special days and activities
Encouragement – Care for one another through ongoing communication

Length of Relationship

Level one is a two-year commitment. Relationships take time!
This usually means a student will be in their second and third year of university studies.
Partners are encouraged to move to level two after after completing level one.

Building the Relationship

Pray daily for one another. Use prayer guides and tools, exchange prayer requests for the ministry, family, and safety
Celebrate one another’s special dates such as birthdays, anniversaries, holidays and other events. Have fun getting to know each other’s customs, traditions, and cultures.Use modern technology such as social media, emails, e-cards, skype and other forms of media appropriate for each partnership
Encourage – Care for one another through ongoing communication

Partners Responsibilities

Agree and adhere to the policies of the Partner 2 Partner Program.
Complete an annual survey on your partnership.
Relay any emergent issues and needs to the PGN office.
Attend the yearly Partners Training Meeting.

Criteria for Partnership

Born Again Believer
Mature (18 years old)
Committed to the Partner 2 Partner program
Faithful to follow through; available to your partner; teachable and willing to learn from each other as well as others in the partnership program

Level Two:
Financial Partner

Maintaining Your Relationship

Prayer - Commit to pray for one another on a regular basis throughout the relationship.
Celebration - celebrate special days and activities
Encouragement – Continue to care for one another through ongoing communication

Length of Relationship

• Level two is a three-year commitment.
• Relationships take time to build and bloom!
• This usually means a student will be in their Master’s Program or in their field of ministry.
• Partners are encouraged to move to level three after completing level two.

Building the Relationship

• Pray daily for one another. Use prayer guides and tools, exchange prayer requests for the ministry, family, and safety
• Celebrate one another’s special dates such as birthdays, anniversaries, holidays and other events. Have fun getting to know each other’s customs, traditions, and cultures.
• Encouragement – Care for one another through ongoing communication. Use modern technology such as social media, emails, e-cards, skype and other forms of media appropriate for each partnership
• Become a financial supporter of your partner. Cost of Master’s Program, travel and special needs required for training and ministry preparation. Monthly support.

Partners Responsibilities

• Agree and adhere to the policies of the Partner 3 Partner Program.
• Complete an annual survey on your partnership.
• Relay any emergent issues and needs to the PGN office.
• Attend the yearly Partners Training Meeting.

Criteria for Partnership

• Born Again Believer
• Mature (18 years old)
• Committed to the Partner 2 Partner program
• Faithful to follow through; available to your partner; teachable and willing to learn from each other as well as others in the partnership program
• Financially stable.

Level Three:
Ministry Partner

Maintaining Your Relationship

• Prayer - Commit to pray for one another on a regular basis throughout the relationship.
• Celebration - celebrate special days and activities
• Encouragement – Care for one another through ongoing communication

Length of Relationship

• Level three is a five-year commitment.
• Relationships take time to build and bloom! So, do ministries!
• This usually means a student will have their training completed and now is serving in their field of ministry.

Building the Relationship

• Pray daily for one another. Use prayer guides and tools, exchange prayer requests for the ministry, family, and safety<
• Celebrate one another’s special dates such as birthdays, anniversaries, holidays and other events. Have fun getting to know each other’s customs, traditions, and cultures.
• Encouragement – Care for one another through ongoing communication. Use modern technology such as social media, emails, e-cards, skype and other forms of media appropriate for each partnership
• Become a financial supporter of your partner. Cost of Master’s Program, travel and special needs required for training and ministry preparation. Monthly support.
• Actively involve and engage yourself in the ministry. Field visits, recruit others to join you and your partner.

Partners Responsibilities

• Agree and adhere to the policies of the Partner 3 Partner Program.
• Complete an annual survey on your partnership.
• Relay any emergent issues and needs to the PGN office.
• Attend the yearly Partners Training Meeting.

Criteria for Partnership

• Born Again Believer
• Mature (18 years old)
• Committed to the Partner 2 Partner program
• Faithful to follow through; available to your partner; teachable and willing to learn from each other as well as others in the partnership program
• Financially stable
• Ministry available

Contact Us

P.O. Box 3469 Renton, WA 98056

206 335-6453